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Must Have Songs For Your iPod Week 18

Sunday 10 July 2011

As every Sunday I'm back to give you the heads up on what songs you should be adding to your iPod or MP3 player.  This format is going to change in the next couple of weeks meaning that there will only be two more like this then I'm moving onto specific artists and their songs, hopefully a better way to enable you to find what it is your looking for when landing on the page, any feedback on the current way it's done would be nice.  Do you like it?  is it helpful? does anyone ever add any of the songs to their iPods or MP3?  Let me know in the comments section below.For now though I'll get back to what we normally do and give you some great songs new and old that you need to have on your phone, MP3 or iPod.

First up Maverick Sabre, now there's a name you have not heard before.  Don't worry me neither.  This guy is new to the scene and "Let Me Go" is his breakthrough single.  Sabre is a soul, rap and hip hop artist who was born in London but brought up in Ireland.  He has already been nominated for plenty awards and has also sampled with other artists like Professor Green who are well established here in the UK, his new single is a really catchy soulful R&B record perfect for your relaxing time or maybe your drive home from work.

This next song is a bit of a teaser of what you have to look forward to in a couple of weeks time when the format of this post changes.  The Foo Fighters will feature as the first artists on the new post and their single "Rope" is included in this weeks must have music for you, now that's a big change as it's been a while since I mentioned anyone other than R&B artists here every week.  Enjoy the video below.

Now not to stray to far for the norm this week lets check out the new song from Far East Movement, remember I mentioned them a while back now.  They have a new song out featuring Snoop Dogg, that guys on everything at the minute right?  It's called "If I Was You (OMG)", ok I'll give you that it's not as good as the Foo Fighters but it depends what your into I suppose.

Ok remember I want your feedback on what you think of the way this post is currently put out and the way it's gonna roll in a couple of weeks time, starting with the Foo Fighters remember.  Let me know in the commets below, I'll check back later when I'll also have another movie trailer for us to look at.
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