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Dexter Season 5 Episode 2 Hello, Bandit

Monday 27 June 2011

I have promised myself for long enough now that I am going to get back into this show, like I mentioned in the last post I think I saw maybe 6 to 7 episodes of the first season then got whey layed with other shows.

Now it’s back for season 5 and I missed the first episode, it didn’t record for some reason but never mind.  I have managed to catch up with the second episode of the new season “Hello, Bandit”.  I saw enough on write up’s and trailers to know that Dexter’s wife was going to be killed off in the first episode, a couple of question's I have.  Is he responsible for that? or was it someone else? Or do we not know yet?  And I gather from this episode that the two older kids are not his but what about the younger one?

Not seeing to much of the show in the past I was worried that I would be a little lost but I think I have the core of it.  Dexter is still up to his old tricks although on the sick at the moment he is still not taking to lightly to in justice and is currently following around this creepy looking guy who appears to clear road kill from the American highways, as well as putting bodies of women into containers and dumping them in a lake.  I can pretty much guess what is going to happen with him.

Dexter’s sister is being perused by her partner, I never got his name.  The sister is still blissfully unaware like everyone else that Dexter is a mastermind serial killer, right?  There are a couple of other cops in the show who I’m still trying to figure out but I should get there after the next episode.

The show is pretty much everything I remember from the first series, very dark and sometimes a little creepy but very capturing at the same time.  Michael C Hall plays the role of a straight guy come killer that you actually end up feeling sorry for as apposed to his victims, this is no doubt what hooks people to this show, with a little rough justice handed out on occasion.  The voice overs you get from Dexter are also capturing he has one of those voices kind of like a Morgan Freeman or Keifer Sutherland in Phonebooth, you just have to listen to what he has to say, the episode got me from start to finish even though I didn’t really know who everyone was I will be watching the next to see what happens

So that is the second episode of the current season reviewed, well sort of the first couple of episodes really.   If anyone wants to write one for the first episode and send it to me then feel free, send it here (moviesmusicandtelevision(@)gmail(DOT)com) I’ll publish it here and give you the relevant thanks, cheers.
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