This really wasn't the best episode of this show, quite boring in fact other than maybe two points that I could think of. Most of the show involved the mayoral campaign of Richardson, I don't watch this show in order to get the result but I'm presuming that it's going to play a major part in the series which is due to wind up in the next five episodes.
We know that Linden has had some severe trust issues with her partner Holder and up to now even I have been convinced that this guy has been selling info to the press or dealing in drugs or something, he is always so shifty and awkward looking. Guess that's why I don't work in Hollywood, as usual I was wrong. Holder has been meeting up with his sponsor and joining him to the local alcoholics anonymous meeting, now we know he is not the one leaking info to the press and also that he is a pretty straight laced guy these days. The same can't be said unfortunately for Lindens tear away son who we have found is the person that leaked the gruelling photo's of Rosie Larsen's murder to the press.
FBI where everywhere this week so that played major hold up in the investigation with all of the case papers seized to go with the FBI's terrorist investigation, that didn't stop Linden sneaking into the back of one of the FBI vans to photograph some evidence they had seized, it really wasn't that entertaining and the best bit of it was the dumb agent that must have had someone else sit the test on the day they were learning how to preserve evidence.
I was probably with the majority in thinking that maybe Bennett Ahmed had nothing to do with Rosie's murder, I thought that right until the end last night when we heard him on the phone to Mohammad talking about passports, just what is he up to? That is certainly the question his girlfriend will be asking him when next weeks episode picks up exactly where this one left off.
That really is all I got this week, not a great episode a little boring if anything. The show itself is still great though and to stretch it you are going to get episodes that are not enjoyable but I hope what's left to see is better than last night.