Back to Chase's hotel room, the Business suite. Could they not come up with anything more original? Dexter would appear to be getting played at his own game at this point, just how much does Jordan Chase already know about him?
Who is Owen? I guess unless you are American and a fan of Dexter you didn't know until last night either, "since the day of the wedding I have respected your wishes, I haven't called or anything" Lumen's married? No wait she's not, you find out later she was engaged to Owen, man she kept that quiet. To late Owen I think Dexter may have stole her heart, after all she's just as good at keeping secrets as he is.
I'm just going to throw something out here, Dexter is sending Lumen down to the shops to buy all of the necessities needed to kill someone without leaving any traces. Police are pretty clever these days (trust me), they would probably think to look at people buying that sort of thing. Although in this case no one actually knows these people go missing, so nothing really to investigate yet. Lumen was also busy all day on the computer looking into Jordan Chase and his associates, haven't they heard of IP addresses. Dexter may well be a computer whiz to who knows how to wipe his hard drive back to zero every night, who knows?
Lumen went to meet her Fiance, argh shucks Owen loves her, but so does Dexter I think. I run across pictures on the net from Dexter sometimes that I really don't want to see yet the latest being Dexter in bed with Lumen, as you've guessed I haven't seen that episode yet but I'm pretty sure they will be getting it on at some point, and that Lumen will turn down the opportunity to go around the world with Owen.
This was a great episode of Dexter and I think one of the best I have seen so far, he is getting mighty close to being caught. Robocop has some pictures of him dumping bags off his boat, and now he has killed Cole, the one person that people will notice is missing. Has Dexter met his match? Tick Tick Tick, one of Jordan's favourite little ditty's, sound familiar?